Sun is Burning

Young Adult

Jude West is living her life, but not fully. She has lost her soul mate and wants him back. Nothing makes her happy, as it did before she found and lost him. As she goes on with her life she begins to wonder if it was even real, meeting the one that was her very soul.
Sam can’t get back to the love of his life, and his soul mate, Jude. He tries everything he can think, struggling with the knowledge that he can’t be there for her. Even when the Archangel himself tells Sam to stay out of Jude’s life, he just cannot bring himself to leave her alone.
Jessica Bradshaw’s “Sun is Burning”, explores a Love that is strong enough to drive a woman to the point where she thinks she is crazy.  We find that Jude has become desperate to find her soul mate, to the point of depression. Even once she gives up that search for the one that may be her true love, she never really comes out of her low in life. The story takes on a sad note, although it has its happy times, it consists of more downs than anything for Jude. If one has read book one, the desperation in this book may be understood more fully, so having read the first installment is a strongly recommended pre-requisite.  If not, it will merely read as a book where the person just can’t get past something she is not even sure exists. This understanding of what Jude seeks and what she finds is the key to an ending that leads you right into the next book of this series.
Melody Prat