Sasha Bishop: Retired Slayer (Book #1)

Young Adult

PARANORMAL:  Sasha Bishop was the Slayer, empowered and feared by vamps, until her retirement. The transition to seventeen-year-old normalcy isn’t easy. She moved to another town to keep her family safe from vengeful vampires, leaving behind her true love.  Hutch is a vampire well over a hundred-years-old, but he’s also her best friend and love of her life.  But when she left Slaying, she had to leave him as well.  A precipitous rise in vampire activity draws Sasha back to Villa Mirage and her destiny, because once a Slayer, always a Slayer.

“Sasha Bishop: Retired Vampire Slayer” is an obvious homage to the television show “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, with some elements of Stephenie Meyer’s “Twilight” thrown in. Some readers will greatly appreciate the obvious similarities, while others might find it too derivative. No doubt that die-hard vampire romance fans will find the enduring love between Sasha and Hutch irresistible.  Other than the fact that some elements are too similar to “Buffy”, there are some editing issues, particularly punctuation errors. Also, the love triangle aspect was unnecessary, and rather uncomfortable, given the revelation of the relationship between Hutch and Dillon, Sasha’s new would-be love interest.  The action is well done, and there’s a nice bit of snarky humor thrown in that “Buffy” fans will appreciate.  

“Sasha Bishop: Retired Vampire Slayer” is fun paranormal romance with appeal for fans of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and star-crossed vampire/human romance stories. Along with sly humor, there is plenty of vampire action to keep a reader interested.

Danielle Hill