Ryan Hunter (Grover Beach Team #2)

Young Adult

Ryan Hunter is captain of the Grover Beach Bay Sharks soccer team and has quite a reputation with the ladies. With a muscular physique, easy charm, and killer smile, he can have any girl—except the one he’s in love with. 

Liza Matthews is everything Ryan has ever wanted. Problem is, she’s in love with one of his teammates and closest friends, Tony. That means she’s horribly off-limits and he’ll just have to live with the heartache. When Ryan discovers that Tony may have a thing for a girl on the co-ed team, he hardly dares hope.

A sweet love story with an endearingly honorable main character, Ryan Hunter fits the bill for YA Contemporary Romance. Occasionally, the slang and quirky American sayings reveal the author isn’t from the country we’re trying to believe the main character is from, causing a break in the illusion. The first quarter of the book is a bit slow but then picks up to take the reader on a fun easygoing ride. Despite these things, Piper Shelly has a particular talent: Girl knows how to write a  clean but steamy scene! Her Ryan Hunter definitely has some skills that cause a pleasant rosy flush. And we all love a guy that can make us blush. Are we right, ladies?  

Sandy Ponton