The Legend of Harper and the Reversing Worlds

Young Adult

MIDDLE GRADE, PARANORMAL:  Caroleen Grogen loves writing stories of Pasmaqon—a land beneath the ocean, accessed by the Reversing Falls. She’s found a peculiar notebook to write her secret tales in. Little does she know, her words are creating worlds.


Harper Grogen has heard the legends of the Reversing Falls and she’s prone to believe them after a particular fishing trip with her father reveals faces under the water and voices among the waves. When an accident flings her into the churning depths, she finds herself the unwitting hero of a mystical land in peril. 


“The Legend of Harper and the Reversing Worlds” has a great premise. One can easily picture a loving mother reciting bedtime tales to her children about the peculiar land of Pasmaqon. Unfortunately, it somehow doesn’t translate well onto paper. The underlying concept is intriguing but it’s in desperate need of a team of editors. Someone to help with pacing, punctuation, grammar, etc. Full of imagination, this book could unfold into a magical tale but it’s riddled with so many mistakes, one can’t see past them to enjoy the charming story. Unique and fanciful, “The Legend of Harper and the Reversing Worlds” simply needs a wizard (of editing) to take its wonderful potential and transform it into the fantastical story it’s meant to be.


Sofia St. Angeles