Hunter Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel: Book 2

Young Adult

PARANORMAL:  Grazi Kelly has just found out she’s a werewolf and is part of an ancient pack which work for the Catholic Church to fight creatures sent by the devil. Piecing her heritage together thanks to her Grandmother, she also has to face changing into a wolf and controlling her instincts to hunt and kill. As she tries to navigate herself through being a teenager and being a werewolf, Grazi learns more about her parents and the truth behind her unique gift. With her parents dead and the ones who killed them still at large, she wants nothing more than to avenge their deaths. 

Written in the first person, "Hunter Moon"had a very personal feel to it. As the reader journeys through Grazi’s discovery of what she is and as she learns the secrets of her heritage, the reader becomes one with that journey. There were some aspects of the book that were a little long-winded but they were not so bad to take away from the overall enjoyment of the novel. As "Hunter Moon" is the second book in the series, it might be good for readers to go back and read the first novel to get the full story of what’s going on, but this installment gives a decent amount of information to fully understand what’s going on. Overall, an enjoyable read and what looks to be a really good series. 

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick