The Blue Curtain

Young Adult

PARANORMAL:  After her father is brutally murdered and the police are unable to uncover the culprit, 17-year-old Emily decides to take matters into her own hands.  Looking for clues in her late father's antique shop, she discovers an old desk that everyone seems to be looking for. At the same time, weird events begin happening and she learns the unbelievable story of her true past — one that will definitely change her life!

Meanwhile, in 16th Century England, the fight for humanity is on between vampires, both good and bad. Heir to an influential nobleman, Mitchell falls in battle, only to be drained and turned into one of the monsters.  Having lost both his life and his one true love, Mitchell swears to avenge himself and find a way to be with her once again.  His journey takes him through centuries until he meets Emily and the fight for the world is on!

This book takes off immediately with twists and turns that will engage any reader.  Soon, however, the plot diverges and two completely different stories arise. One features present-day Emily and the other, historical vampire, Mitchell.  Neither seems to coalesce in any way until well past the second half of the book. Both are also filled with much unnecessary information, slowing the pace considerably.  That, together with the sometimes-stiff dialogue and the lack of depth in the characters stops this story from the fabulous potential it truly does have.  The talent is there, as is the storytelling genius, it just needs continuity and a bit of polish to make it shine.

Ruth Lynn Ritter