Against the Pack

Khristina Chess
Young Adult

Melender is facing a difficult decision: leave home, her mother, and her boyfriend of several years to attend Harvard and become a doctor, or stay home and possibly fail to live up to her potential? When an emotionally charged walk with her mother on a rural road becomes a fight against a pack of dogs, Melender is faced with a new, more immediate choice. Leave her injured mother on a narrow ledge and hike out of the ravine to find help, or stay and hope someone realizes they are missing in time. Within twenty-four hours, Melender and her friends each make some difficult decisions that will affect their future – and survival. What relationships will survive and who they will each be afterwards will come down to time they don’t have.

A tense coming of age tale, “Against the Pack” shows the events of a single weekend from the rotating perspectives of Melender, and her friends, Wayne and Viney. Each of them are faced with tough choices about one another and their individual futures as the story continues. Readers will become engrossed in the teen’s thoughts and decisions as they race to save Melender and her mom, and come to terms with who they are and what they want. A light romance threads throughout the story, but the primary focus is on the individual friendships and family relationships they have, while Melender determines what she really wants in life. Agree or disagree with her final decision, the journey she takes to get there is a wild and thrilling one readers won’t be able to put down! 

Sarah E Bradley