Under the Skin


Coming from a poverty-stricken childhood, Mic Vargas is a self-made billionaire and lauded bridge builder. Now an amputee, struggling with his loss and the problematic issues surrounding his latest project – a bridge from Manhattan to New Jersey – Mic’s life takes an unexpected turn when he comes to the aid of a beautiful and sassy illegal immigrant.

Lena Correr doesn’t trust easily, especially not the handsome heartthrob who has come to her rescue. But when a notorious crime boss threatens her and her family unless she uses her cat burglar skills to steal from Mic, Lena is caught between her love for her family, the growing love for Mic and the threat that might see them all dead.

This fourth book in the Skin Quartet series starts out with a likeable character that is strong-willed but hindered in his physical capabilities. The author portrays this billionaire in a way that begs the reader to fall in love with him by the end of the first chapter. The heroine is sassy and smart and the author threads the plight of immigrants and their vulnerability within the twists and turns of the story. Unfortunately, there is a tendency for the story to lean somewhat toward a "Fifty Shades" replica. The hero’s sister is overbearing to the point where it is hard to like her. Sufficient research surrounding the hero’s prosthetic device and use of it in certain circumstances was inconsistent. This steamy billionaire romance will capture the attention of readers of this genre and leave them satisfied by the end of the read, steering them to read the previous three books in the series!

Cecilia Robins