Rescuing Rayne (Delta Force Heroes #1)


Frequent cancellations give flight attendant Rayne Jackson time to investigate international cities.  Delta Force member, Keane “Ghost” Bryson is living a secret life in service for his country.  When the two meet in a London airport only to find their flight canceled both decide to take a chance on the chemistry sparked by their chance meeting and spend the day exploring London together.  Months later another flight cancellation has Rayne joining a tourist group only to find herself a hostage by international terrorists.  When Ghost’s team is dispatched he’s tasked with not only extracting hostages but rescuing Rayne. 

Out of the gate, steam sets the opening of this contemporary romance with a side of military action. Rayne Jackson has the innocent, bubbly "girl next door" persona, which is a paradox to the experienced world traveler she truly is, and may give some readers pause.  Ghost is consumed by his “mission” theme in all aspects of life, never allowing himself to experience long term relationships, which led to the their demise after their first meeting.  However, when faced with other obstacles this pair takes turns rescuing the other from the dark side of relationship disaster, which is slightly light on substance.  There are a few editing issues from the wrong tense of words, extra words and misplaced quotation marks but does not detract from the story.  Readers will no doubt anticipate the future renderings of this sizzling series. 

Roberta Gordon