Decree of Finality: A Brent Marks Legal Thriller (Brent Marks Legal Thrillers Series) (Volume 8)


Brent Marks and his associates are out to help new divorce client, Robert Taylor. Dr. Taylor, a Santa Barbara dermatologist, is tired of his cold wife and her high society ways, and her spending his hard earned money making all her friends look good. Robert is willing to do or give anything just to have the divorce final, and he finds having Brent for his attorney really helps after he is questioned by the police. 


“Decree of Finality” is the 8th in the Brent Marks series. The author reveals certain truths along the way but not until the end do all the twists make sense. The plot of the story has several characters that are added in to throw the reader off the beaten path of this light-hearted thriller from author Kenneth Eade. He is a master at the thriller component in how he builds the story up through the different deflections. There are editing errors that interfered with the reading experience at times throughout the entire book.  The details swirl together for the reader to figure out who may be the culprit behind all the twists, and then the author writes it out in black and white. It bursts the readers bubble just a bit because it is suddenly over, yet at the same time has the reader thinking the character should get an Oscar.


Laura Dinsdale