Recent Reviews

Fool's Gold

Lady Guinevere Stanhope has arrived in New Zealand to photograph the rare Moa bird in hopes of paying her late father's debt and saving her ancestral estate.

SHORT STORIES:  This is a collection of short stories drawing heavily on childhood favorites such as “Sleeping Beauty”, “Beauty and the Beast”, and “Cinderella”. Some of the shorts feel based on the more classic love story plot lines rather than the time-honored fairy tales.

INSPIRATIONAL:  Fifteen-year-old Clara is no stranger to the use of a sword. Daughter of a Sword Master and a Shepherd Teacher, Clara has always known she wanted to be a Sword Master and has trained to fill her destiny.

Souls Entwined
Anne B.

TIME TRAVEL:  Gretta Dobbs is out for a nice run at the park when Sam Daggett notices her. His interest is to her benefit when a tree crashes down. Thinking fast, he tackles her, saving her life.

Days of Future Past
Sally Smith

Ann/Toni/ Anntoinette Rishel is a psychiatrist living alone with her Great Pyrenees. She is adamant in her continual denial of the real probability of her husband’s death.
