The Witches of Hant Hollow 2: Gate Keepers

D. F.

Lavender Doanhart wants to rescue her mother from the Abyss. She inherited the gift of magic, but everything changed when an old feud raised its ugly head. A decent witch, she is determined that she will succeed in her mission to save her mother. Commander Brody Whitmore is the right hand to the regent. He has worked hard and risen through the ranks and so far, it has worked in his favor. What didn’t work was the relationship he was so enthusiastic about that he was going to propose. But on the night he was going to ask Lavender to marry him, everything changed—and it tore them apart. Lavender has been focused on other things and believes Brody is safer if they’re apart. The question is will they eventually reunite, and will Lavender have her mother by her side to share the happiness?

D.F. Jones has written an enjoyable novel with some very fun characters and interesting concepts. Lavender is a strong female lead, and Brody, her dashing soldier, will do anything to get her back. The plot mostly races from the first page, although there are a couple of points where it slows down. Some sections could use a bit more description in order to really pull the reader into the action. “Gate Keepers” is a fine entry to the paranormal genre, with much to offer readers. This is definitely a series to keep an eye on, and it will be exciting to see where it goes from here.

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick