Secret Courtship (The Hands of Destin Book 3)


Ophelia is a mystic who can predict the future and desires a family of her own. She has seen the birth of her child at a young age and knows who the father will be. Ulric is an earth worker, who lost a wife and child from a previous marriage and their deaths and the guilt nearly destroyed him. Ophelia and Ulric come to an arrangement and understanding regarding the child.  Ophelia has always loved Ulric and wants a relationship and family with him more than anything but will settle for his child.

“Secret Courtship” is a romantic fantasy with a wonderful plot and well-written characters that brings the story to life.  The author builds a believable world with characters that have unique gifts and a cat by their side.  The reader will find the bond between the cat and the owner extraordinary. Sadly, at times, one will find the pace slow, hard to follow and feel lost in the story.  The romantic relationship between Ophelia and Ulric never really develops. There is no connection or attraction between them and the reader will feel that the characters cannot communicate and have a true and believable relationship. “Secret Court” is Book 3 in The Hands of Destin series and can be read as a stand-alone.  The reader will want to read the first two books in the series so one will be able to identify with the characters and the story.  “Secret Courtship” is a must-read for romantic fantasy readers who enjoy a great love story.  

Victoria Zumbrum