Midnight Craving (Ravens Hollow Coven #3)

Natalya was turned into a vampire by the elite Upper East Side vampire family after her life came to a violent end. While most might find the family who sired her to be a great new start, Natalya wants nothing to do with their plans or money and strikes out on her own to join the police force. A job that sometimes includes dealing with the brooding but alluring special agent Cayden. Cayden is a demon who fought in an ancient war that ended in the destruction of his family. Cayden finds Natalya’s personality irresistible, but he’s thankful the walls around his heart keep any possible relationship at bay. But when they are partnered together for a case, those walls prove no match for blossoming feelings.
A unique paranormal suspense romance that fills the heart with healing warmth. In this world, paranormal creatures and humans are fully aware of each other and, for the most part, learn to get along. The way in which the paranormal is effortlessly interwoven into the real world is beautifully done. Natalya’s character is able to kick serious butt and maintain respect while still being nice to the people around her. While Cayden’s past makes it easy to understand why he pushes love away, it doesn’t help the reader see past his extreme rudeness that is displayed several times throughout the book. This, mixed with the editorial errors, can keep the readers from truly connecting with the story. Please be aware that this book does include themes of rape and sexual assault. With a little more attention put towards character development and edits this book will surely shine.
Annalee Stilove