Bloodcurse (The Bloodborn Series #5)

An illness known as The Rotting Blight has decimated the dwarven race’s numbers to a mere four hundred and twenty-two. Facing the possibility of extinction, Kirsa, daughter of the Chieftain, stops at nothing to find a cure, including experimenting on dozens of innocent vampires for their healing powers. However, the vampire Luca that she captures out of desperation to experiment on next turns out to be the man who steals her heart. Luca is heartbroken from losing his first love to another vampire and his parents lack of affection. Falling instantly for Kirsa, he agrees to help find a cure for her people knowing it could end in his death. As feelings fly and an ugly turn threatens Kirsa’s life, the fight to find a cure becomes a race against time.
This slow burn paranormal romance blends the human and paranormal world together in a refreshing way. Humans are not only well aware of the paranormal, but the different races have developed laws to help keep peace. The way in which Luca and Kirsa’s relationship builds is sweet, and Luca’s desire for Kirsa is wonderfully done. That said, the story loses ground fast as Kirsa’s character becomes almost immediately unlikeable. She knows killing more innocent vampires will not cure her people but decides to continue doing it while also putting her human friends in danger. This mixed with the way in which Luca and other vampires almost instantly forgive her and the numerous plot holes may cause readers to fall out of the story fast. With some more attention to character development and editing, this book will surely touch every slow burn romance lover's heart.
Annalee Stilove