The Salem Gathering


Parris McCall has been struggling to deal with the truth about her family. Learning to be a witch has been a challenge and with her best friend April and her baby in trouble, Parris will do anything she can to save both mother and child - even track down her cousin and Coven X under orders from The Council. Ty Wallace knows there is more to their orders than meets the eye, but until he knows what’s going on he’s determined to help Parris as much as possible, even if it means teaming up with Derek and the previously banished witch, Prudence. When the trail leads to Salem, Parris must use every bit of magic she can master to not only save her friend, but also herself.


The third book in “The Council” series (and not to be read out of order), “The Salem Gathering” brings the conflict between Parris and Coven X out in the open and provides more background to Parris and her family. As well, this book is the turning point in the series conflict. Some romance between Parris and Ty provides sparks but the main story focus is on the truth about Parris’ family and saving April. The diverse cast provides some humor to the tale, but the plot lacks intensity and trouble is somewhat easily overcome. Still, the quick pace and the mystery around Parris add up to a fun witch's tale that is over much too quickly.


Sarah E. Bradley