The Rogue King (Inferno Rising Book 1)


Kasia’s mother made the ultimate sacrifice for her and her three sisters and sent them into hiding.  A phoenix is a highly sought after creature, particularly by dragon shifters. Kasia’s mother taught them everything about staying out of the spotlight, but Kasia keeps bursting into flames, which brings on pain and visions. One of her visions shows a dragon shifter, one who happens to be hunting her. Brand is a rogue dragon shifter. His clan destroyed, a phoenix could now be the ticket for getting his revenge and claiming his birthright. Brand plans to keep her safe and deliver her to another dragon shifter king. The problem is he did not plan on the feelings that he would develop for Kasia along the way.

This paranormal romance is epic! There isn’t a moment where the pacing slows or is dull. It is a constant state of adventure and fantasy. The fight scenes are incredibly descriptive. The web of characters and history behind each clan are so detailed. Kasia is phenomenal. She is strong and she will not bend to fate, just because she is a phoenix. Brand is sexy and protective and completely respects Kasia, which makes him even more attractive. Together, they are hotter than dragon fire. Not only are the main characters fabulous, but the supporting characters are really engaging as well. The end of the book will leave readers wanting even more. Overall, readers will want to jump into this book and be a part of this world!

Amanda Hupe