Dark Awakening (Dark Destinies Prequel)


Dominic Marchant is a family man with an abundance of love and camaraderie for everyone. His family owns and operates Maison de la Mer, where Dominic is one of the chefs. As Dominic’s sister disappears and he sets off on a trip to rescue her from the terror that finds her. However, horror soon fills his world as he meets Kambyses and Silence, two vampires who have woven Dominic into the very fabric of their souls. Dominic is now an enraged and defiant vampire who swears he will escape his new hell and find a way to become normal once again, no matter the cost.

Prepare to view the world through the eyes and heart of a vampire who laments his new life and has sworn to return to the way he was before meeting the antagonists of this remarkably different and fascinating story. S.K. Ryder weaves a tale of introspection, and readers will feel as though they, too, are living behind the eyes of Dominic in this gripping story of love and betrayal, suspense and horror. In addition, readers will give kudos to the editor of this novel for the outstanding style and lack of errors. The plot is rich and raw. Readers should expect the huge cliffhanger at the end, which makes sense in a prequel novel in the “Dark Destinies” series. Overall, this story is one that will stay in the mind long after it is over. Gritty, unique, and deeply personal, “Dark Awakening” will incite readers to feel as though they’re the protagonist in this truly moving tale!

Tiffany Landers