Company of the Damned


Del is a part-human, part-Nephilim being who has lived for many centuries. Through an alliance with Ahadiel, Del has fought to bring an alliance between the elves, both light and dark, and the Nephilim.  Through trickery by Satan himself, Del and a band of comrades are lured to Malta where they are believed to be called by Michael the archangel. Del believes it is a trap and prepares to spring one of her own. The goal is to survive and rid the world of the evil that threatens it.  With her plan in action, Del manages to out-trick the master of trickery, foil his and Uriel’s plan for world domination, and seal the breach between Hell, Earth, and Heaven.

This book begins with action and keeps it flowing until the very end. The battle scenes, the fight against good and evil, and foes becoming allies, keeps the pace lively and the reader immersed in the author’s world. Del is a warrior with the strength and intelligence that goes along with that role. She is also a mother, a widow, a lover, and a friend who cares deeply for those in her inner circle. The storyline starts out like most books where human and Nephilim characters are the stars. The angelic powers, the battle through the ages, the blurring of friend/enemy lines, it’s the same theme used in most books of this nature. The author, however, turns that around by adding in twist the reader does not see coming and makes the story unique and satisfying.

Carly Fulmer