Heart of Desire: 11.11.11 Redux


METAPHYSICAL THRILLER:  We are not alone. Aliens are among us; in fact they are controlling our world, driving the political machines we rely on. 


Tess Vaughn is a former journalist trying her best to level a peaceful life with her star child, Mikka. The love child of an affair with the man who became president, Harris Cantrell Henry, she is all that matters to Tess. Then her world starts crumbling down around her. Protecting Mikka may cost her life, but her child is the most important being on the earth. 


Political intrigue or science fiction? That is the question that plagues this novel the most. Ms. Robinson definitely researched her subjects and melded them into an in-depth report worthy of representation to a UFO committee. The politics dance, both delicately and aggressively, with the alien interference that is said to be driving life on earth. This dance is executed smoothly, yet does hit some skids and slides that detract from the overall plot. The star of the novel is definitely young Mikka Delaraye Vaughn, a complex character that draws attention immediately. The cast of characters is a deft masterpiece in character development that rivals Diana Gabaldon, George R.R. Martin, and Michael Crichton. Tess and Harris are both a dynamic duo and ideal individuals. The story is fast paced and takes the reader on a fantastical ride, start to finish. The fault in the stars is the cliffhanger ending…please let there be more!


Penelope Anne Bartotto