Wrecked (Love Edy #3)

New Adult

"Wrecked" touches on the lives of Edy and Hassan, two young adults caught between falling in love with each other and the traditions that threaten their relationship. In their bid to become independent from their parents, they enroll in Louisiana State University, only to realize that the physical distance between them is nothing compared to breaching the distance caused by the demands on their time of studies, of constant grueling practice sessions, and of the mandatory need to belong to earn their stripes.

It takes a while to get into the crux of the story as this was the third in the series; however, after reading further, one will understand at which stage Edy and Hassan’s relationship is at. "Wrecked" is plot-driven; the author moves her characters from one conflict to another. It is a constant push and pull. The beginning of the story reflects the couple’s idealism, of life observed through rose-tinted glasses until they are thrust into the demands their university imposes on them and reality bites. What is refreshing is the author’s usage of culture and tradition to add richness to what could have just been an angst-ridden young love story.

"Wrecked" is truly a coming of age romance that is as poignant as it is inspiring; a story that one can relate to when faced with the realities of growing up and falling in love.

M.P. Ceja