Stripped Raw

New Adult

Single mom Erin Stancliffe is excited to make a fresh start in a new home and at a new job. After struggling for years to make ends meet, Erin has scrimped and saved to buy a home, and she soon starts a new job as an RN. Determined to give Joey, her son, the life he deserves, her only thought is his happiness - which leaves no room for romance.

Jason Cunningham is a reformed bad boy who’s never had a serious relationship. Tired of the drunken one-night stands and disillusioned with his reputation as a “good-time guy”, Jason has completely sworn off alcohol and women. When their paths cross, Jason is dogged in his pursuit of Erin. But will she be just another notch on his bedpost, or can he convince her to give him a real shot?

“Stripped Raw” is a sweet, slightly predictable romance with relatable characters. Erin and Jason are real, flawed people and the reader will certainly be able to identify with them. The chemistry between them is crackling and instantaneous. Unfortunately, this book is riddled with gratuitous scenes of self pleasure that instead of appealing to the reader as sexy just comes across as redundant. Nevertheless, Ms. Moon has a way with the written word that is outstanding! The reader's eye will be glued to the page, riveted until the last word. This sizzling story promises to delight readers of romance and contemporary fiction.

Chantel Hardge