Finding Kennedy: The Prototype Book 2

New Adult

Something has to change in Kennedy James' life. Until she figures out what that is, she goes to her Grandma's house in Tyler, Texas in the hopes it will help her stop feeling out of sorts. The last thing she wants is to meet a guy, but she can't deny the awesome Travis Broussard, rocking guitarist for the band The Prototype. Their attraction is immediate and for Kennedy a little scary due to its intensity. As she tries to change her life, Kennedy wonders if she has what it takes to be happy again and is she ready to embark on such a connection with another person?


Told from first person of both the main characters, "Finding Kennedy" throws the reader into the innermost thoughts of the characters. The story starts immediately and the reader is thrust into the mind of a character that has a lot going on. Kennedy is likeable and shares her innermost thoughts quite easily. Travis is a smooth talking, hot-blooded male which is obvious through his dialogue. There are laugh out loud moments and the story develops and flows at a pace making it an enjoyable read and one that is easily finished in one sitting. With this well written and pleasurable story, Jacinta Howard has ensured that after reading this book readers will go back to start this series at the beginning.  


Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick