Three Strikes, You're Dead (Eddie Shoes Mystery #3)


Eddie Shoes is excited to spend a few days with her mother at a resort outside Leavenworth, Washington. A relaxing weekend is just what this PI needs and if Chava wants to foot the bill and celebrate her new job at the same time, Eddie is not about to object. Eddie's relaxing weekend goes up in smoke when she goes for a hike and stumbles across an injured man as a forest fire breaks out. Tracking down the man’s missing daughter is harder than expected when the man himself dies but Eddie won’t give up. With her mother and mobster father eager to help, Eddie might just have a chance to not only find the man’s daughter but build her own family relationships as well.

A traditional mystery in a contemporary setting, “Three Strikes, You’re Dead” is the third book in the Eddie Shoes mystery series. Although the story can be read as a stand-alone, it is advisable to read the series in order. With minimal romance, the mystery itself intertwines Eddie’s relationships with her parents and straightforward detective work. The mystery does have several twists, which keeps the reader from determining the criminal too quickly while still making sense in the end. The main downside is actually Eddie herself — she doesn’t stand out from the danger and action. Still, fans of mysteries will find this a good one to keep them guessing until the end.

Sarah E Bradley