China Doll (Jana Lane Mystery #4)


Mysteries sometimes have a habit of following Jana Lane, but this time the only one she expects is in her new play on Broadway. Unfortunately, when the fiction becomes reality, members of the company turn up dead and if Jana can’t solve the mystery she or her son might be next. With the gorgeous and muscular leading man Peter Stevens tempting her heart, and drama abounding outside the play, it’s up to Jana to make sure the show goes on.


Set on Broadway in 1984, “China Doll” is a mix of mystery and social commentary on gay rights and AIDS. With a mystery reminiscent in some ways of Agatha Christies’ “And Then There Were None” this story combines plenty of drama with a mystery complex enough to keep the reader guessing. Every member of the cast has not only some depth but intertwining romance and quirk to spare. The romance surrounding Jana as she struggles between remaining faithful to her husband and the feelings that stir around Peter will leave the reader torn until the end. With a smooth pace, intriguing mystery, and plenty of danger, this tale lacks only a solid appreciation for fidelity. An excellent read for lovers of mystery and drama!


Sarah E. Bradley