All That Glitters

Linda Bennett

HISTORICAL:  “All That Glitters” ushers Sarah Anne into a household of rules and secrets. As the governess of a child ignored by her parents, Sarah Anne begins to uncover the reasons behind the little girl’s family-diagnosed insanity. However, the disappearance mystery of the previous governess has Sarah Anne curious about what will become of her. Strange conversations, threats of dismissal, and bizarre family arguments lead Sarah Anne along a path of uncertainty. Not only does she wrestle with how she can protect Adelia, she is also distracted by flirtatious male family members who toy with her. Confused, Sarah Anne may fall victim to the killer who has made his way from New York to Georgia.

What a fantastic adventure through a wealthy family’s troublesome past, present, and future! A Georgia coastal island outfitted with an eerie mansion provides the perfect backdrop for the mysterious story of the simple governess. Sarah Anne’s simple southern charm plays well against the New York formal societal rules. Her character is heartfelt and believable as someone who would embrace a neglected child. The author’s invitation to solve the mystery plays out in a well-planned timeline. The first-person point of view of the killer may cause a bit of confusion for readers. The redundant hate language by the killer is overkill since the description of his hate for women is quite clear through his vocalized thoughts of brutality after his sexual encounters. Overall, “All That Glitters” is an excellent read for anyone who loves a great mystery to solve!

Moira Wolf