A Cocky Catch

Annika Champenois

NEW ADULT: Surrey is gorgeous but she is also cursed. Every guy she dates finds his true love just when she thinks they are headed for forever. As a student at BYU, it is hard to avoid dating, but after her most recent heartbreak she is determined to wait a bit before jumping back into the dating pool. Croft is a cocky self-assured YouTube prankster. When he embarrasses Surrey in a prank and later ends up in class with her, he decides they should be dating. Croft will stop at nothing to convince Surrey to date him. As Surrey becomes certain that the way to get rid of Croft is to date him ensuring he will meet his dream girl, a more sinister plot is also at work. Surrey’s in danger of more than a broken heart.

Surrey and Croft have great chemistry together. Surrey has good character development as she learns what kind of guy is truly right for her and that she’s been pursuing relationships that were never right in the first place. As Surrey comes into her own, learning to embrace her personality, she becomes who she is meant to be. Croft plays a pivotal role in this and grows as he learns to let go of the past and look to the future. Without even kissing, the love and tension between Surrey and Croft burns. Their relationship has depth as well as a constant magnetic attraction. The supporting cast of children, neighbors, friends, and exes all add value and levity to the story. The mysterious danger is done well but isn’t completely needed. This is a clean romance readers won’t want to miss.

Cara Cieslak