The Rendezvous in Paris (The Blue Coat Saga #1)


“Promise me.” As she lay dying, Leah Manheim sent a psychic wish to her granddaughter, Rose Levi. Rose has been chosen to continue Leah’s life work. But Rose wonders what it is exactly that her grandmother wanted of her. Leah survived Auschwitz and spent the rest of her post-War days protecting the memories of those who experienced the Holocaust. In many ways, as a librarian at the Centre for Jewish History, Rose is already doing her part as well. But, in the aftermath of her grandmother’s passing, Rose learns that there are things her grandmother never told her, and she realizes the true mission she has been tasked with may be more complicated and more magical than she first guessed.

As Book One of a three-part saga, this novella-length teaser grips the reader from its very first pages and holds tight for a thrilling, thoughtful, and fast-paced read. Alternating between Rose’s present-day perspective and Leah’s Second World War adventure, it tempts the reader with the building heat of two romances separated by sixty years and the unfolding mystery of how they are tied together. The story is interwoven with poignant references to Jewish culture and history. Belle Ami easily navigates between the humour of new love and the tension of wartime danger. Be forewarned that the marvellous momentum comes to a crashing stop with a cliff-hanger ending. Book Two cannot come soon enough!

Joan Lai