The Rake Who Rescued Me


Half-gypsy Orelia is telling fortunes in her drunken mother’s stead when she meets the Duke of Keswick, Reed Valentine. As she finishes his fortune, her mother jerks her aside to tell Orelia she has been bought by Cappie to be his wife. To save her, Reed offers one hundred pounds for the forsaken lass. He informs her he is a spy and needs her assistance to find out who made the latest attempt on Napoleon’s life. It is suspected it is a Romani. In return, Orelia will receive one hundred pounds and her freedom. Angered that he suspects the Romani, she agrees to help but only to prove the Romani are innocent. Can they find the murderer before the next attempt?

“The Rake Who Rescued Me” is an interesting study of the mores of the eighteen hundreds. Reed sees Orelia for the striking woman she is, while the ton sees her only as Romani and below them, even though her father was English. The two main characters, Reed and Orelia, are beautifully written with depth and great descriptions. Noah, Reed’s brother, is a refreshing character. He is deaf but fully functioning. The remaining characters make brief appearances and have no depth and little description. Parts of the story are sluggish, but the intrigue keeps the reader engaged. Reed shows no rakish behavior, only reckless deeds and for the most part, is under control, especially with Orelia’s aid. Ms. Holt writes a pleasing story of intrigue and conspiracy, which brings to life two very real characters. This is a very worthwhile read!

Belinda Wilson