Reviews - Historical

REGENCY:  Sophia Darlington is ready for marriage, but only one man comes to mind —Viscount Crispin Margrave. They have known each other most of their lives. However, Crispin has a secret. He is with the Regent’s Consul and spies for the king. He knows very well that this job would put the one he loves in great danger, so he distances himself from Sophia.

Newlyweds Katie and Collin MacDonald have already had their fair share of danger and turmoil on their way to the altar. Now they face their next big adventure: leaving their beloved Scotland for the promised land of Nova Scotia. Can their newfound love survive when threatened by Katie’s fragile health, a shipwreck, and the dangers of a new wilderness?

Treasure Her Heart

At Judith Leslie's very first ball, eligible bachelor Peter Tenwick captivates her —but her mother forbids her to have anything to do with him. In a fit of pique, Judith approaches the young man and asks him to dance the last waltz. He accepts, enchanted with the tall, redheaded debutante who is not afraid to speak her mind. Peter’s father insists that he immediately find a bride.

Half-gypsy Orelia is telling fortunes in her drunken mother’s stead when she meets the Duke of Keswick, Reed Valentine. As she finishes his fortune, her mother jerks her aside to tell Orelia she has been bought by Cappie to be his wife. To save her, Reed offers one hundred pounds for the forsaken lass.

Morwena Gambino’s father has become forgetful, and since he has disowned both of her brothers, it is up to her to save the family business. When she gets the opportunity to work with Kit Hardacre’s crew, and buy and sell their goods, it is too big a chance to miss — if she can trust them, and if her brothers do not get in the way.
