
Sandra Z.

Bully, schemer and thief, Breen Tarlton informs Morven McAllister he has purchased her home from her mother, who also gives permission for them to wed. Furious, Morven runs home to her ailing mother only to find her dead. Morven meets Breen next at the docks. He grabs her, and she steps aside, intent on pushing him away.  Losing his balance, he falls into the swirling depths. Morven feels guilty for the death and begs God to forgive her. Luke Forester rides into town and unfortunately his luggage has been lost on the stagecoach. He is directed to Morven who is the town’s seamstress. After filling his order, he continues coming around, courting her. Morven has feelings for him, but considers herself a murderer and not deserving of a happily ever after. Will Luke be able to convince her otherwise?

“Morven,” a tragic novel, chronicles the life of a guilt-ridden young girl. It is easy to see the abject poverty from which she comes by the frugality she practices. Morven is extremely sensitive and emotional.  She takes care of her ailing mother, the blind Mrs. Iver, and orphaned Elizabeth Ann. While these are good traits, she constantly beats herself up over anything that happens to her. She refuses to release herself of responsibility for Breen’s death and rehashes this unmercifully. This novel explores town life and introduces many characters, but rarely with any depth. Because of this, when tragedy befalls the town, one feels little remorse for those who die. Overall, however, the story is an interesting journey through a life in the 19th century, allowing readers to get a real feel for the times in this novel.

Belinda Wilson