Highland Flames (The Scrolls of Cridhe- Volume 2)

Ceci Giltenan, Tarah Scott, Lily Baldwin, Kate Robbins,
Sue-Ellen Welfonder, Katherine Lynn Davis, Victoria Zak

The Guardians of the scrolls of Cridhe have been entrusted with the task of protecting these stories of the heart. In seven tales spanning hundreds of years each wise woman spins her yarn, telling of brave men and bonnie lasses finding love in unexpected places. Bear witness as they stretch open the scrolls and weave their magic, casting a spell over all who hear... let them be your guides through cold dark nights, moss- covered forests and dancing cosmic skies. And don’t forget to keep a watchful eye out for ye old crone, Gertrude! Come, sit by the Guardians as they kindle the fires of the highland flames.


Romance, murder, intrigue, ancient societies, folklore and DRAGONS! This epic anthology has it all! This group of seven exceedingly talented authors has gathered together once again to breathe life, heart and soul into these narratives. In “Highland Flames”, readers are introduced to characters that are enchanting and compelling. With their unique voices these women have woven a tapestry of gentle humor, rich Scottish history and white hot romance. The reader will be transported to the glorious highlands and become so immersed in these tales they’ll feel as though they are walking the moors and breathing the sweet scent of heather! Although elegantly composed, some minor editing issues keep this collection from being truly flawless. With love and magic being the connecting thread from tale to tale, one will appreciate the deft juxtaposition of contemporary, medieval and paranormal aspects. “The Guardians” will leave readers waiting with bated breath for the next collection!


Chantel Hardge