Heart of Shadows (Hearts of the Highlands Book 2)


Torin Gray is a man on a mission — make that two missions. First, he has been charged by Robert the Bruce to infiltrate the English army in preparation of a Scottish invasion. Second, he is on a mission to seek vengeance for the murder of his family by the English army. As the most skilled of Highland warriors, Torin foresees no issues with either of these tasks, until he meets a major obstacle in the form of English outlaw Braya Hetherington. Strong, gorgeous and a more skilled fighter than most men he has seen, Braya blindsides Torin and makes him question everything he knows. Is Braya’s love enough to sway Torin from his missions? Will Braya forgive his deception? 

As the second book in the “Hearts of the Highlands” series, the story opens immediately with the Scottish War of Independence, which causes some initial confusion as the reader sorts out who is fighting whom. Torin is by turns charming and broody and much of the book focuses on his angst while Braya’s good-natured straightforwardness provides a refreshing counterpoint.  Several plot points keep the pace of the story zipping along to the very last pages.  Unfortunately, the romantic plot line is wrapped up so easily that it is a letdown after all of Tornin’s angst.  Full of political and family drama, readers of Highland stories who prefer lots of action and a side of steamy romance will want to pick up this series!

Elissa Blabac