Give Your Heart a Rake (That Wicked O'Shea Family Book 6)


All her life, Lady Siobhan O’Shea has striven to shed her family’s reputation for being wild. She has done her best to be accepted by the upper crust of society. She is barely accepted until her brother, Caelian, loses a foolish bet to Rory Feeney. The hand of Siobhan is Rory’s prize, and he is well pleased. He is just a commoner and marriage to an earl’s daughter is just the thing to elevate his standing in society. Siobhan secretly loves Rory but hates the fact she will lose her place in society by marrying a commoner. Although common, Rory is his own man and has accumulated millions from his hard work. He gives Siobhan a challenge - if she can discover any evidence of rakish behavior of his in the last year, she can break off the betrothal. She has six days.

“Give Your Heart a Rake” is a frolicking great read, filled with humor, misunderstanding, and humble pie. The characters are lively and well-written and come off the page as the story is told. Emotions run the gamut of extreme highs and lows and are written so well the reader feels the angst and delight. Lady Siobhan is a complex character. She wants to be a member of society, but she also wants the wealthy, handsome Rory Feeney. The tale begins slowly but picks up speed, and thus the reader’s interest, very quickly. The wager between Caelian and Rory is frequently mentioned but only described in the previous book causing the reader to constantly wonder, keeping this from being a truly standalone novel. A fun read, it is very realistic and entertaining.

Belinda Wilson