Far West: The Diary of Eleanor Higgins


WESTERN/ACTION ADVENTURE:  Sixteen year-old Nel Higgins is the daughter of an abusive and demented Lutheran minister. Since her mother’s early demise, Nel and her sister Annie’s survival is dependent on their escape from their father’s maniacal grasp. When an unexpected situation results in the premature death of her father, Nel secures passage on the Far West riverboat for her and Annie in hopes of starting a new life. She soon finds her path veering towards Fort Abraham Lincoln and the Battle of Little Big Horn.

This historical romance, which takes place in 1876, is written entirely in the first person in journal style. Spanning a six-month time frame, this tale relates the inner thoughts and feelings of the heroine, as well as her life experiences as she struggles to secure a safe and happy future for herself and her sister. Although starting out slowly as the necessary background is introduced, this interesting and informative tale mixes historical facts with fictional romance to form an intriguing tale that takes place on the American frontier. The pacing is slow and the details are a little wordy, which might cause the reader to lose focus; however, as the pages are turned, one is rewarded with an entertaining read filled with sorrow, joy, courage, adventure and love. Historical as well as romance fans will find this pleasing novel appealing and well worth their time.

Janna Shay