Changing Tracks (The Dominion Falls Series, Book 1)


Severely injured, a woman stumbles into a saloon in the mining town of Dominion Falls. A week later she's able to rise at last from her sickbed, but her injuries are not only physical, but psychological. She can't remember her name, or anything about her life, so the residents of the town call her Jane Doe.  Cole Mitchell is the owner of the saloon and brothel that Jane staggered into on her arrival. As time passes, vague memories filter into Jane's mind and she is convinced that someone tried to kill her.

This is part 1 of the 'Dominion Falls' series. The action and adventure is gripping, the tone and setting is highly realistic. The protagonists are believable and don't follow fictional types. They're not painted in black or white, but with both strengths and flaws.

The hero makes some truly unwise and selfish decisions. He owns whores and often sees them as a commodity and business investment, rather than as people. Jane is just as uncharacteristic in her personality with her sexual liberty, whiskey-drinking and education. The secondary characters are interesting and varied. Despite the welcome and unpredictable and somewhat unattractive nature of the characters, it did make them at times unsympathetic. However, the plot of 'Changing Tracks' is thoroughly satisfying, entertaining and different, tempting the reader to continue the series to uncover the truths behind both Cole and Jane.

 Jill MacKenzie