Recent Reviews

SUSPENSE/THRILLER:  Grace Sullivan wants to find a good man, get married, and have a family, but being the sister of Hayward County’s shady sheriff puts her mainly into contact with gangsters.

Return to Me

Brynn of Galhaven never really belonged in her Engel father’s home, but she was still somewhat safe under his protection.

Veronica “Ronnie” Ingels is a P.I.

TIME TRAVEL:  After the events in the previous book of the “Heritage Time Travel” series, Dave and Torie are forced to separate.  They are both miserable, but they did it hoping that the tim

Sabrina Tavonesi never expected to make it big. She starred in her friend’s indie movie as a favor, and it has rocketed her into Hollywood stardom. But fame comes with strings: relentless paparazzi and a lunatic who attacks her, leaving her with a wounded shoulder. The acting itself is far from easy - falling into her role has left her with nightmares she can’t run away from.
