The Cross of Tarlis: The Awakening (The Tarlisian Sagas)


War is ravaging the land and with its many kingdoms. Tannith of Ellenroh, Princess of Dragonbane’s castle, is besieged, and her father, the king, has gone missing. Taking direction from the Council, she starts on a quest to end the war by assembling the Cross of Tarlis in order to raise her god and save her people. She takes her faithful faerie friend, Skylah, and her best friend and warrior, Etan, with her on the quest. On their journey they join with Kaden of the Wolfhead and his cursed brother, despite his reluctance. Both parties want to stop the necromancer, Sernon of Asomos, from gaining the cross. Much danger as well as many distractions stand in the way of them achieving their goal. They especially need to learn to trust one another, or evil will win the day.

Julie D’Arcy makes the world of Tarlis come alive with faeries, dwarves, elves, and new races. A constant racing adventure. There are so many new characters each moment and more than one enemy so a list is needed to keep track of where everyone is and who they are with. There is more than a love triangle with Skylah pining for Etan, and Etan set on Tannith, and Tannith wanting Kaden, and Kaden lusting for Tannith but insisting on denying any attraction. A wonderful fantasy packed with fighting, magic, and lore. A vivid world is created with flawed, relatable characters. Readers will be anxious for the next installment once they finish this nonstop, can’t-put-it-down adventure.

Cara Cieslak