All Hallows’ Satyr – The Cursed Satyroi, Book 5


Feeling the awakenings of power, Sage performs a ritual she hopes will summon a magical lover. Imagine her surprise when her naked dance in the woods brings forth a gorgeous satyr who won’t fulfill her wish for a romp in the proverbial hay! Exiled from his brother Satyroi for his past transgressions, Adonis can’t believe it when he finds a ravishing wood nymph more than willing to boogie-oogie-woogie! Sadly, the cursed Adonis can’t feel the beat, no matter how much he would like to rise to the occasion. When they seek out a remedy to his curse from a group of satyrs in Savannah, they become embroiled in a mission to stop a vengeful plot meant to destroy the city on Halloween.

“All Hallows’ Satyr” is a romp meant to cast a spell on readers looking for a tale steeped with mystical lore, and the terrors of dead men walking! The abundance of Greek mythology may frustrate some, but readers will enjoy the confident heroine unafraid of her sexuality, and the tortured hero desperate to break from his cursed existence. The few side stories interwoven in the tale to tie up loose ends from previous installments may also seem superfluous to new readers. Villains come across as one dimensional due to a lack of a developed back story. The story begins shortly before Halloween, and then takes forever to reach the holiday. Luckily the moments of levity, punches of action, and instances of sexiness carry readers through. Ms. Lewis uses unique mythological twists to craft an adventure filled with sexy satyrs, lusty nymphs, and other mystical beings on the always magical hunt for love.

Tonya Mathenia