The Ties That Bind (Family Ties #1)

When Shiloh receives word of her father’s passing, a sudden trip back to Twisted Fork, the town that holds monstrous memories, becomes necessary. If burying the very man who caused her such abandonment trauma wasn’t bad enough, Shiloh also has to navigate dealing with two older sisters who belittle her, and a town filled with people who only want to victim blame. At least the handsome deputy, Luke, knows the truth behind her teenaged antics and truly cares. He knows he needs to convince Shiloh to stay in the old family farm or developers will take it and turn it into an industrial empire that will destroy the small town. What he doesn’t expect is the desire in his chest when he sees Shiloh again. However, the secrets that come to light as the girls dig through their father’s life change everything. 
The story has an incredible start, with beautiful imagery and the kindness Luke shows Shiloh. Similarly, Shiloh helps a young woman in the midst of an abusive relationship. However, the story takes a dramatic turn as the girls’ father is falsely painted as a loving light by the townspeople in a way that invalidates the girls’ feelings, experiences, and trauma. At times this goes so far as to say that Shiloh was the one who was actually the problem. This becomes very off-putting as many of the twists only serve to make Shiloh feel guilty and confused. Please be advised, this can be extremely triggering to those who share similar childhood traumas. With more focus put into overcoming the trauma caused by their father, this story of healing will touch hearts. 
Annalee Stilove