The Texas Takedown


Berry arrives in Houston six months after the death of her brother Daniel, hoping to recruit his best friend, Tyler Reid, to help her look into his murder. Berry is convinced that Daniel uncovered something at his job that got him killed. Without any obvious proof, the authorities aren't interested in looking further. Tyler and his father have an accounting firm where things are steady and there is never much excitement. When Berry shows up and appears to be a total floozy and a gold digger, Tyler’s family is not impressed. Their secret undercover operation is a must if they want to figure out what really happened to Daniel. 

Ms. Brocato has created quite a character in Miss Berry Challoner. Her confidence and creativity are something else! Along with a meaningful romance that blossoms from this escapade, there is mystery, suspense and some humor. There’s a lot at stake but more to gain if they can keep the charade going. Tyler has taken on more than he bargained for, but knowing that Berry is on to something pulls him in to assist her. Although an entertaining read, it’s not a totally unique storyline and the retelling of Daniel and his untimely death, make the story drag on a bit. The whodunit aspect is well written and a bit of a paranormal twist will keep readers engaged to see where Berry and Tyler end up. 

Viola Robins