Snickerdoodle Surprise

Ryan Jo
‘Snickerdoodle Surprise’ is the story of three sisters who give up everything in their forme lives to take over the inn they’ve inherited from their beloved aunt Sophie. Together, Charly, Emmeline, and Rae Lynn must learn to navigate the business of running the Lilac Queen Bed and Breakfast. They must also learn their way around the handsome handyman, Jake, who comes part and parcel with the property. When land developers come knocking on the door, the sisters are tempted to sell. However, knowing how much their aunt loved the property, they decide to try and make a go of it, with Jake’s help of course.
‘Snickerdoodle Surprise’ is just that, a wonderfully surprising clean holiday romance that warms the heart and reminds the reader of the importance of family. Each of the three female characters has distinct personalities. Mix in children and a host of animals, and you have the perfect recipe for chaos. Add to that, Snickerdoodle cookies, and you get a story that’s hard to resist. Jake is an extremely likeable hero, with a great personality, and an uncanny ability to navigate this disruption in his life. Rather than dealing with one owner, he’s now faced with three, all of whom speak to him in a different way. Which sister will finally capture his heart? While it became somewhat obvious fairly early in the story which sister would win his heart, the chase between the three made the story all the more entertaining. For fans of family-centered stories, with a wonderful touch of romance, you’ll definitely want to read this latest installment in the Christmas Cookie series.
N.E. Kelley