Singled Out


Singled Outtakes place against the backdrop of Australias single scene. Beths Nana informs her shes out of the will unless she gets married before her fortieth birthday, and that deadline is only six months away. Beths drinking, pill popping and refusal to grow up makes her a magnet for every loser imaginable.


Her friends, Judy and Pammy, have quite a bit to say about the potential husbands, often uncovering their nefarious intents before Beth does. Judy tends toward "frenemy" with her high-maintenance behavior and caustic remarks. Pammy serves as the grounded friend who occasionally gives good advice. Most of it goes unheeded as Beth indulges in two-fisted drinking while chasing after inappropriate men.


Her initial mistake is she throws out her heart without engaging her mind. She swears that the next man will be the one, even refusing to accept the visual evidence that he isnt. Finally, she stumbles across an old school mate, Ronny, whos the best of the lot.


 “Singled Outallows the reader a peek into world of mature romance down under. It is a bit of travel escapade with the local color and expressions. The majority of the story reads a bit like a diary in a first person narrative creating a forest of Is. The diary would belong to a very shallow, unlikable alcoholic who sleeps around. Other crippling factors include telling not showing, uninteresting characters, and no real reader investment. It had potential, but unfortunately, it never happened. 


Morgan Stamm