Roman’s Revenge


The image of courage, nobility and strength, Jax Roman is in charge of his own world. A clever mind and agile body propelled him to the head of his SEAL class, and now, at the pinnacle of his game, he leads his own team. That is until the Lobos Cartel sets out to eliminate him. The lovely and compassionate Dr. Kameo Alana meets Jax in his most desperate hour, her own family having borne punishment from the cartel. Without her, Jax would not be free to bring down the depraved cartel. But Kameo is more than just a balm for his pain as they sizzle white hot together. Now, Jax’s mission for a happily-ever-after with Kameo is an exercise in taking-no-prisoners, SEAL style. 

A fast-paced novel from page one, “Roman’s Revenge” is a blend of drama and romance where the reader is immediately dropped into the action. Because of this, the beginning can be confusing and difficult to follow. If the reader can press through this info-dump of characters and events, they are treated to a suspenseful story that unravels as the plot progresses. Unfortunately, the pacing also makes it tough to get into. The narrative moves similar to that of a legal drama, jumping from one scene to the next as soon as that scene serves its purpose. This barely gives the reader time to absorb what they have read before something different is thrown their way. Overall, the author does a good job at giving the novel an authentic crime drama feel and creating an alpha male fans of the trope will drool over. 

Arec Rain