Relatively Happy (Relativity Series Book 3)


CHICK-LIT:  Sarah Hastings is a true earth-child, with a schedule that would drive most people to drink. Three businesses—an organic farm, a bed and breakfast, and vegan café—are a lot to keep running smoothly. Her spirit guide announces that a man will be coming into her life, and just like that, THREE men show up on her doorstep. Which one is her soul mate? To add to the chaos, her parents drop in unannounced. Neither her meditation sessions, nor yoga, nor daydreaming about bacon — not even her erotic book club — are enough to keep her from unraveling at the seams. 

A colorful cast of characters populates this romantic comedy and promises a roller-coaster ride of emotions. There are laugh-out-loud moments, as well as tearful ones, as we follow Sarah on her journey to fulfill her love life. It is difficult, however, to get on board with her. She comes across as self-centered, unreasonable, and at times, downright mean. The details of organic living are tedious and slow the plot, and it is not clear if the vegan lifestyle is being touted or ridiculed. Sarah’s treatment of the men, particularly Rix, is deplorable and unbelievable—no man would put up with her attitude. Bright spots in the book include her interaction with her parents, where we see some real emotion and sincerity. The writing itself is also polished, with some lovely turns of phrase, as when she describes dawn as “. . . the first whisper of pink . . . on the horizon, bidding the darkness adieu.” Overall, a light and funny read.

FS Brown