Our Song (The Wilder Books #1)


Kelsey Conklin had no idea what she was getting into when she decided to help the frazzled father of a screaming child at Target.  With two small children of her own, it is all she can do to make ends meet.  But when she discovers that same man and unruly daughter are her neighbors, Kelsey can’t help but feel sorry for the obviously struggling dad and offers to help.


JD has no idea how to father a child - especially while working on a music career! When social services calls, the one-night stand he had forgotten comes back to haunt him with a vengeance.  With no one else to care for the child, however, JD is determined to be the kind of father little Andie needs.  Luckily Kelsey has offered to help him figure it all out. But as their friendship grows so do his feelings for his feisty but kind-hearted neighbor.  The question is - will he lose everything if he risks telling her?


This is a delightful, sweet and very believable story of true friendship that grows into a forever kind of love!  The author weaves very realistic situations and everyday events into a beautiful and believable love story. Readers are gifted with a glimpse into single parenthood as well as the realities of life as a struggling musician.  As the story progressed, however, the pacing slowed considerably, with little progression in plot until the end.  Still, the overall reading experience is truly a sweet delight!


Ruth Lynn Ritter