His Heart’s Desire (Loving Hearts #1)


After dropping out of veterinary school to care for her dying mother, Rebecca doesn't know how to live again.  Worse than that, when she did try to do just that resulted in even more heartbreak.  Ethan has been her friend and confidante for a few years, but now he wants more than friendship. She’s physically and emotionally hurt, and though he's willing to wait and help, it’ll be an uphill battle.


At the story’s opening, all but the physical and emotional kitchen sink have been thrown at Becca. From boyfriend to family, she is put through a lot in a very short amount of time. "His Heart's Desire" is how, with Ethan’s help, she overcomes it all in her journey to recover, heal, and grow. From beginning to end, Ethan is the book boyfriend all readers dream about: kind, compassionate, hot, rich…in other words, perfect. He does everything he can to help those he loves because he knows he's in a position to do so. But he’s too perfect - no vices of any kind, not one wrong move, every word, action, gesture, reaction to her…again, perfect. Set against his perfection, Becca’s portrayal has unrealistic flip-flops, with her emotional capacity being that of a 15 year-old, not that of the intended "strong female" character. The story itself is wonderfully believable, with events that do happen to many, and the secondary characters are absolutely realistic. A few flaws for the hero and more maturity for the heroine would make this absolutely…perfect.


Julie York