Heating It Up: A Red-Hot Russians Novella (Red-Hot Russians #3.5)


The cold climate of Antarctica attracts lost souls who are running away from life.  At least, that's what Nora Bradford tells herself when she makes the decision to stay in Amity Bay for the winter.  Mourning the loss of her husband, the loss of her job, and the life she had once dreamed of for herself she makes the decision to face the winter alone in the most remote place on earth.


Alexei Zaikov is worried about the future of Amity Bay.  His beloved community is threatened by an uncaring corporation that doesn’t care to understand anything about life in Antarctica.  When he discovers Nora in a place where she has no business being, his life becomes even more complicated.  He knows Nora has secrets, but deep down inside he suspects that she is also his soul mate.

Author Elizabeth Harmon has given readers a refreshing story of loss and love in a fascinating location.  The story is well plotted and the characters are interesting and complex individuals.  Nicely paced and well written, “Heating it Up” pulls the reader into the drama, but overall leaves the reader unsatisfied.  The story, written in novella form, is simply too short.  Alexei and Nora deserve more time and the story more development to be a fully satisfying experience for the reader.  More please!

Gwenellen Tarbet