Educating Blaine


Blaine has grown up with a silver spoon in her mouth, not completely tuned into how normal people live, and in just a year she’s going to receive control of her trust fund. However, her grandfather feels she’s unprepared to have responsibility for such large sums of money, so he decides to send her into the land of budgeting and working. Determined to prove herself to her grandfather, and herself, Blaine dives into the challenge with feigned enthusiasm. Her new boss, however, proves difficult, not because of the tasks he doles out—she can handle those—but because he pierces her heart and makes her fall in love. Blaine questions both her grandfather’s and her employer’s motives, but when crisis strikes, she’s able to see both of their intentions clearly.

This cute, sweet romance will make the reader yearn for that simple yet deep love the protagonists share. Sadly, the book flings clichés all over the place and the oft-repeated background information hinders the story’s progression . However, the characters possess realistic quirks and the climax is highly intense, though the buildup makes the main event overly predictable. The writing itself is generally strong and detailed, but there is an instance of the hero being called the wrong name which severely interrupts the storytelling flow. For most of the story, readers can really feel the emotions of the characters. Unfortunately, that deep connection with the characters disappears toward the climax, leaving readers viewing the action from a distance. Almost everyone can connect with the themes of needing to prove oneself and the travails of finding love which are lovingly explored this light-hearted journey.

Yannie Sorensen