Chaperoning Paris


Sean Collins was once fired for having cancer. How could he keep that from happening to another teacher at his school? By buying the school and firing the principal, that's how! A pretty satisfying end to bullying he’s never been one to tolerate. The next targe to appear in his crosshairs is Gigi Dumont; the woman who broke his heart and disappeared when they were teenagers, only to reappear as a teacher at the very same school! 


Gigi never stopped loving Sean, but when he threatens to sabotage her student’s trip to Paris, she’ll have to draw the line. She’s surprised when Sean agrees to the excursion, but even more shocked when he shows up as a chaperone. It’ll be harder than ever for Gigi to keep the secret that once tore them apart.


“Chaperoning Paris” had the marks of a charming “love once lost is found again” story. Unfortunately, the lack of editing—in all forms—left this book with dizzying plot lines, unnecessary elements, and obvious inconsistencies. The heart of the story is lovely, but is overshadowed by—what feels like—immaturity on the part of the author. Sensitive subjects aren’t treated with delicacy and the behavior of the characters feels juvenile. Stripped to the struts and carefully re-crafted, “Chaperoning Paris” could be a beautiful tale of love and second chances. But as it stands, it just doesn’t live up to its potential. 


Sofia St. Angeles